The Story of the Corner:

Have you ever found a location in your house or apartment where the air currents collect the dust and dirt into a ball of surprising size? Upon further investigation you may find unusual things inside that ball of dust, like paper clips or socks. This blog is a little bit like that, but for my life. As little bits of dust and dirt collect on my mind I'll be cleaning things off and looking for the more valuable items (everybody needs more socks). This blog will be serving as the receptacle of whatever comes out--good or bad.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

Ok, so, I'm a little bit behind on this kind of thing. My sister wrote a blog post on this topic months ago, here, but I want to do my own.

There is a new adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, which is supposed to come out sometime this year. (The trailer is at the end of the post) I think it looks great.

I am not personally familiar with many performances of the play, but this one seems to really capture the emotions of it. I fear that some performances of Shakespeare don't get into the emotions enough. I think they might lean towards being over the top in the language, and therefore fail to make the phrasing understandable. (But perhaps I simply show ignorance)

In this trailer all of the lines seem to be dripping with clarity, which is amplified by the tone of each actor's voice. Tybalt has such an extreme tone of anger in all of his lines. His delivery is great. Romeo has a tremendous sadness in the lines he delivers (you'll know the one when you watch the trailer). I really felt empathy.

This is the type of performance that can make the entire play seem like an new thing. If the actors all live up to the tease that the trailer brings, then I think it would be like seeing Romeo and Juliet for the first time all over again (or possibly better, since I grew up seeing shows like "Hey Arnold" make fun of the idea of Romeo and Juliet).