The Story of the Corner:

Have you ever found a location in your house or apartment where the air currents collect the dust and dirt into a ball of surprising size? Upon further investigation you may find unusual things inside that ball of dust, like paper clips or socks. This blog is a little bit like that, but for my life. As little bits of dust and dirt collect on my mind I'll be cleaning things off and looking for the more valuable items (everybody needs more socks). This blog will be serving as the receptacle of whatever comes out--good or bad.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Review for "Man of Steel"

I saw Man of Steel twice over the weekend. Obviously I really like it.

Before I get into my actual review I just want to say this: I think this is the single most inconsistently received film that I have ever read a review for. The first reviews I read seemed to just be somewhat critical, but then I noticed that they weren’t citing the same flaws. What one reviewer considered the most abominable of problems was the same thing that another found to be the film’s only saving grace. I’ll include links to several of these, as well as a brief summary, just to illustrate my point: (as a warning, some of the reviews might contain spoilers, but most of the ones that do provide a formal declaration of it.) (It’s also worth noting that some of these people might not have actually watched the move—at least two of the reviews claim that the word “Superman” is not spoken in the film, and I can definitively say that it is said at least twice, albeit in a brief exchange between peripheral characters.)

This review is largely positive, and seems to have come from someone who actually likes movies, and superhero movies in particular.

This one comes out somewhere between positive and neutral. Mostly, not making complaints and not claiming anything was amazing.

This basically collects some reviews and mentions the differences between them.

This is probably the most negative review I read. They specifically gave the film 3/10, which is, in my mind, absurdly low. Claimed Russell Crowe as best performance. Identified Kevin Costner as very bad. Says Cavill and Adams had no chemistry.

Basically positive. Says Costner is the best Pa Kent ever.

Universally panned the film.

Considers the film a failure. Says the romance is weak. Says him learning to fly is a great sequence.

Says it’s a crowd-pleaser, but not because its necessarily any good. Visuals are a high point. Amy Adams did a good job as Lois. Zod and Jor-El, both done very well. All acting good.

Calls the film a huge disappointment. Didn’t like Cavill’s performance. Also thought the action was awful.

Middle ground rating. Too much destruction. Says Cavill is great, also liked the other actors, except Zod.

This article is just about Lois, and claims that Amy Adams is possibly the only redeeming quality in the film.

Very positive. Really like the Krypton stuff. Good cinematography. Acting good, but thinks there was too much Lois. Hated the flashbacks.

So, now that that is over with, I can do my bit.

I loved it. I don’t think I could point to a single significant part of the film that I didn’t like. I think everything worked together very well. Admittedly, I suspend my disbelief from the kinds of cables used to build suspension bridges, so it is very easy for me to love movies, and I usually am not looking for things to complain about. This movie contained basically everything that I think is needed in the Superman franchise. There was an emotional depth that felt right, the power of Superman was evident (even frightening on some level (I think they nailed the visual for heat vision)), Super-speed never looked so great, Superman definitely wants to do the right thing, and sometimes it isn’t easy. I really don’t think I could say enough positive things about the movie. Was it perfect, probably not, but who’s to judge that. Did it do it’s job, absolutely.

Also, here’s some interesting info about the level of destruction (which I thought made sense, as it showed just how high the stakes are if two superbeings are this powerful, and can set up the fact that in the future, since Superman is unlikely to face people this powerful again, he can work on keeping the situation under better control to decrease the collateral damage. That might prove enough of a challenge to him that fights against weaker opponents will still be engaging.)