The Story of the Corner:

Have you ever found a location in your house or apartment where the air currents collect the dust and dirt into a ball of surprising size? Upon further investigation you may find unusual things inside that ball of dust, like paper clips or socks. This blog is a little bit like that, but for my life. As little bits of dust and dirt collect on my mind I'll be cleaning things off and looking for the more valuable items (everybody needs more socks). This blog will be serving as the receptacle of whatever comes out--good or bad.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Well of Death

I would spend upwards of 20 dollars to see this in person.

As best I can tell, they build a big wooden circle (the well) on the fair grounds. They then drive cars and motorcycles, which mostly seem to be at least 15 years old and held together by regular reapplication of tape, along the sides of the well at a full 90 degrees from the normal orientation. They let people stand and sit at the top of the well, and they even let them hand money to the guys driving the cars and motorcycles. And did I make it clear that there are multiple vehicles on the walls at any given time, and the drivers don't maintain the standard driving posture?

In a word: Awesome!

There's probably something legal that prevents this kind of thing from happening in the US. I kinda wish that wasn't the case.

One element that I find especially enchanting is the wear and tear of the well. It's been used extensively, just like the vehicles. It has a kind of vintage feel that I like. I also think that is increases the sense of danger. For all I know the wooden boards could fall apart at any moment.

I don't know that I could ever convince myself to do that, even in a car that was new, but I would happily pay to watch these guys in action.