I read that in a comic book back in 2009. It was written by a woman named Kathryn Immonen.
I've been trying to get this blog started for several months now. I just haven't been able to make myself write the first post. I've been making excuses. School. Work. Church. Basically there is no good reason why I haven't been doing this. But now I am.
I envy my sister's blog. Kate really puts the effort into it to make it what she wants it to be. It's like a little window into her life. If I'm lucky, I will be able to make this blog half as interesting as hers.
Honestly, I'm not sure where this is all going to go. I just need to write.
This blog is a way for me to try and find my voice as a writer. Maybe I don't need to find it; maybe I need to create it. I don't know. But it won't happen if I don't start writing. In the right hand corner there I described myself as "an aspiring 'storian.'" It isn't a real word. I know. But I needed a different word to express my meaning. Author wasn't right. Storyteller didn't cut it. Artist was the wrong direction entirely. I want to convey stories, but there are so many different ways to do it.
I love books. I love comic books. I love movies. I love music. I love the many forms of visual arts. I'm probably missing some stuff. The point is this: All these different arts are ways to tell or show or otherwise convey the message of the creator's story. I feel like the words we use to describe them (director, composer, writer) lock a person into one of the forms. My interest in comic books leads me to believe that stories aren't always meant to be told in one way. Movies show us how several senses can be engaged for the sake of one story. Heck, if you watch the Food Network you can learn that a meal can be a story.
Art is everywhere, and anyone can become a master of their own craft. I don't know what crafts I might dabble in at different times in my life, but I would like to be effective at a few of them, and maybe even become a master of one. But for now I want to keep my self-definition open, I don't want to be locked in just yet. And thus I shall call myself a humble "storian"looking for the right way to tell the stories I have in mind.